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A Little About A Lot

A Little About A Lot by Nabih Saliba To know a lot about a little Or a little about a lot Is a thing we should consider But in practice often not Know a lot about a little And it’s one thing that you’ve got But your view might be quite narrow Like a cage for every thought Fill your head with many subjects Then an expert you are not As your knowledge can be shallow When a little about a lot Should you aim to be an expert? Try to master just one thing? Then you’d have yourself a focused Special kind of offering. Do you wish to only sample? Try to gather wide but thin? Then when details are required You’ll just offer up a grin. Maybe what one should consider Isn’t what they know or not But what they know together With the friends that they have got For together we are smarter Sharing fact and view and thought On a lot about a little Or a little about a lot

For that special

The holidays are upon us and shopping deadlines and specials have come and gone. Interestingly enough, there's always some amazing finds just  before the end of the year for all the late shoppers, deal hunters and anyone simply looking to get themselves those special treats just 'cause. What follows are some links to items worth looking into. To make things easier, we've just posted pictures of each item to both intrigue and invite you. Just click on the image of the thing that interests you and you'll be on your way to material gratification in no time at all!

The Light

The Light By Nabih Saliba I light the path for all to see They shall not trip because of me How great I am that darkness flee I do all this without a fee And so it went each night for lamp Who proudly thought itself a champ But then one evening came a tramp His clothes were worn, and torn, and damp He staggered left, he stumbled right He should not try to walk at night The drunkard fell into the light Thrown from the lamp with disdain bright Why should I help this man below? He’s far beneath me don’t you know His lesser breeding clearly show This beggar can’t deserve my glow And so the lamp let darkness fall On he who lay there in a ball As shadows grew both thin and tall The lamp stood off for one and all Then suddenly the night time fled As from each corner more light bled The lamp looked ‘round and scratched its head Who brings such light? It loudly said “Your humble servant,” in reply Don’t mind me up in the sky

Story Problems and Escape Pods

This is a continuation of a previous post. If you'd like to read it first, click here . Danny managed to sit in his seat just as the last bell in the school chimed. He barely avoided another tardy by bolting down the hall while ducking under the little windows in every classroom door. His dad had dropped his mother and sister off first before driving like a crazy person to get him to school. Like a scene straight out of an action film, the van had rocked back and forth it dodged cars, swung around corners and squealed tires. When his father skidded up to the school, he yelled, “GO! GO! GO!” "Danny run!" shouted Molly from the school's main door. Molly was Danny's best friend and the one always helping to keep him out of trouble. "You'll be late again if you don't hurry!" Danny turned to say goodbye to his dad but the van was already screeching around the corner and headed out of sight. Quickly he started running toward Molly. She waved hi

The Easiest Thing of All

The Easiest Thing of All By Nabih Saliba It’s easy to remember the first time I laid eyes on you Every day, your beauty still takes my breath away It’s easy to admire what you’re capable of Every day, you demonstrate your capacity for greatness It’s easy to be jealous of the time that isn’t mine Every day, I see the care you invest in others It’s easy to be proud of you Every day, you push a little further into the unknown It’s easy to think of you Every day, you occupy my thoughts, dreams and desires It’s easy to wait for you Every day, I look forward to discovering new things with you It’s easy to imagine the rest of my life with you Every day, you remind me of what a joy living can be It’s easy for me to thank you Every day, you brighten my life In every moment I remember you In every moment I admire you In every moment I feel jealous In every moment I think of you In every moment I wait for you In every moment I i

Untitled Story pt.2

This is another installment of my "Untitled Story." The preceding portion can be found here . Gregory Santo sighed at the stack of parchment glaring at him from his desk. This latest batch of border reports would seem less daunting if it represented more than a single day. Looking around his cramped workspace revealed similar piles stacked on chairs, overflowing shelves and collecting dust in the darkened corners of his time room. The Council had assigned him the honor of serving as interim security coordinator but any comfort taken from the position being temporary faded little over five years ago. Pushing his chair away from the desk, the young acolyte stood and picked his way across the room to a leaded window. Throwing the latch, Gregory swung open the small porthole hopeful that the stacks of paper behind him would suddenly rush through it to freedom. Barely a rustle could be heard as the night air was heavy and unmoving. Father Santo sighed deeply and watched t

Spare Angel

Spare Angel by Nabih Saliba He sat with his defeated stare I wondered what had put him there. "Poor soul," I thought and looked at him, as he bared forth his toothless grin. "Dear God," I prayed inside my head "If you don't help, he'll soon be dead!" Within my soul, I heard a His voice, "I've sent my angel so rejoice!" I looked around and tried to spot The angel that this fellow got When in the window I could see The angel sent by God was me

A Hair Upon His Pillow

A Hair Upon His Pillow by Nabih Saliba A hair upon his pillow The scent of old perfume Both obvious reminders Someone else had shared his room There's laughter in the shower And a shirt still on the floor Just another indicator Of a night that is no more The lipstick on his collar Has been washed but still exists Like many other memories It's faded but persists The picture in his wallet Holds a copy of her smile He'd look at it quite often Though he hasn't in a while Her clothes hang in the closet Her toothbrush by the sink Now every time he sees them It makes him stop and think The bottles on the counter The wheelchair by the bed Not the promise of tomorrow But what happened here instead There's a hair upon his pillow Not a taunt to bring him strife But a blessed testimony Someone else had shared his life

Getting Along

Getting Along By Nabih Saliba To have patience just to listen And really slow things down So when eyes start to glisten You won’t greet them with a frown To listen is to understand Not simply wait to speak So when we lend a helping hand It’s for the thing they seek To share the pain is empathy Past understanding woe So when we offer sympathy They’ll know it’s not for show To carry someone’s burden In more than word or song Is how we’ll stop the fighting And learn to get along.

A Little About A Lot

A Little About A Lot By Nabih Saliba To know a lot about a little Or a little about a lot Is a thing we should consider But in practice often not If a lot about a little Then an expert you will be Of the few things you have studied Or have done repeatedly Should you choose a lighter focus For the things that you can learn Then your interests will be wider With all details no concern If an expert on a subject Or someone who knows a lot Be it narrow or unfocused Make the most of what you’ve got In the end it only matters If you help your fellow man Use what knowledge you’ve been given To help us be the best we can To know a lot about a little Or a little about a lot Is not the thing that matters But in practice means a lot.